Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yet another bestsellers' list

Rollback is number 9 on the fiction bestsellers' list in Calgary, Alberta, as published in The Calgary Herald, the major newspaper there:

Calgary Bestsellers
The Calgary Herald
Sun 20 May 2007
Page: C3
Section: Books & The Arts
Source: For The Calgary Herald

1 (1) Divisadero, Michael Ondaatje. A haunting story that ranges from northern California to central France.

2 (--) The Halifax Connection, Marie Jakober A Canadian counter-intelligence novel set in the 1860s.

3 (--) Falling Man, Don DeLillo. How events of Sept. 11 have changed our world.

4 (4) The Children Of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolkein. A fantasy with orcs, dragons, dwarves and elves.

5 (3) The Horseman's Graves, Jacqueline Baker. A German immigrant community on the Saskatchewan-Alberta border.

6 (--) Fluttertongue 4, Steven Ross Smith. A long poem looks at meanings of words and ponders language itself.

7 (--) Rant, Chuck Palahnuik. A fictional oral history of serial killer Buster (Rant) Casey.

8 (7) Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon. A whodunit, a love story and an exploration of the mysteries of exile and redemption.

9 (--) Rollback, Robert J. Sawyer. A new science-fiction
novel by the award-winning Canadian author.

10 (5) Lullabies for Little Criminals, Heather O'Neill. A 13- year-old girl with no mother and a heroin-addicted father.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


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